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B15 Informatik 3 (Info3)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Exercise 11 - Associations and Internationalization

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In this assignment, you will add some functionality to your rails app and try out a couple of the principles and practices we covered in the lectures. For this, you need to add some functionality that you can choose yourself. Read through the whole assignment and decide on the functionality you want to add before starting to implement it. It does not have to be the most important functionality of your app – the goal here is to try out the different aspects of rails.

  • add 1 or 2 associations to your application and cover them in the view as we discussed in class.

  • Choose a single site of your application and add Internationalization for it. Make sure to use the translation in the test cases as well.

  • for the bored: (optional) find some functionality that you can implement using a gem (ruby library). Choose an appropriate gem, write some tests to try out it’s interface and have tests against the library as recommended by Rob Martin, and integrate it into your application.

  • (optional) deploy your app to heroku.

The resulting app should be workable, but you do not need to spend time on the layout!

Hand in two files: a pdf documenting what you’ve implemented – rather pointers to the part in the source code than complete descriptions, and a zip containing the source code.