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Praxisprojekt WS 2013

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Praxisprojekt WS 2013


Workshop Management Application for Rails Girls

Rails Girls is a series of successful events worldwide that aim at getting more women involved in computing and increase the diversity in the IT field.

Strangely enough, they haven’t yet programmed a rails web application themselves for managing and organizing their workshops!

This makes a wonderful opportunity for a group of HTW Students to act as a web development agency offering a solution to this great international community as a customer.

First goals identified so far are:

  • participant registration & admission
  • workshop organization (groups and coaches)
  • management of wordwide contacts and participants

The project will be an agile one, working with the scrum tools, making sure to progress in concrete useful increments and learning from actual use of the product. Students are expected to be willing to communicate with actual “customers” all over the world!

While the implementation of a working web application is certainly a goal of this project, the real challenge and learning opportunity lies in conducting an agile project with such an international and diverse community of users - have a look at the list of upcoming events to get an idea!