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B15 Informatik 3 (Info3)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Info3 - Labs and Exercises


In the Info3 lab, we will do quite different things:

  • Design a Software System with the UML
  • Practice Software Testing
  • Fix a weird piece of legacy software
  • Get our feet wet with Ruby and Ruby on Rails and marvel at the patterns we find in there

There will be 7 exercises. The exercises will either be written reports - lab reports - or the documents you produce in your design with UML, usually not the source code itself. I might, however, ask to turn it in as well.

  1. You are required to work on the exercises and turn them in groups of 3 people. Submissions are done in Moodle, no late submissions are allowed this term. Always hand in what you have on time.

  2. Grading: there will be no grades for the exercises this term. You need to get an ok for each exercise. To get an “ok”, you need to

    • turn in the lab report on time and it needs to checked to be “ok” by me and
    • pass a test by either
      • taking the moodle quiz about the lab subject in the following lab or
      • present your work upon request.

(That is, you can choose not to take the moodle quiz at all and there is no obligation to attend the lab every time).