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M1 Media Programming: Web Technology

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

M1 Assignments


Week 1

Project Start, The Rails World

Working on your project

  1. Write down your project vision.
  2. Write down your product backlog.
  3. Roughly prioritize it for business value. Don’t hesitate to write down as many stories as you want, you don’t have to implement them all.
  4. Pick a user story that you can implement with simple CRUD operations.
  5. Draw a scribble for the screens involved.
  6. Draw a first sketch of the data model that is suffient for this story.
  7. Install Ruby and Ruby on Rails on your computer. See the rails guides and the Ruby Homepage for instructions.

Reading and preparation

Starting next week, You will work on your project within the lab. I will publish the next assignment by monday, enabling you to start working on it and have your questions ready in the lab. For preparation, please read through

Note that you don’t need to implement everything that’s described there, or in your backlog, but it will help you understand what you need to do for this exercise as well as for the next.

Week 2

Rails Dash, Active Record and Migrations

Working on your project

  1. Implement your first User story from week 1 with Rails.
  2. Find one or more user storys that gives you the opportunity to implement an association between two model classes.
  3. Draw Screen Mocks / a simple paper prototype for these storys.
  4. Draw a Class diagram showing the relevant model classes (and, if you want to, some more)
  5. Implement the user story
  6. make sure that you use a migration to create the table for the new model and possibly adding foreign keys (or more new columns) to the existing table(s)

Reading and preparation for next week

Reading for next week:

Week 3

If you haven’t already done so, publish your work on github (or an equivalent service). Before you begin, tag the state of your work until now with “week_2”.


  1. Write at least one Happy Path feature test for every story you’ve implemented.
  2. Implement one other story test driven.
  3. Set up Travis CI for your project as shown in class.

Briefly describe what you’ve done, include all names of your team and a link to the github repository in your Report and submit to moodle in PDF format.

Every Team member has to upload themselves - ideally the exact same file

Tag your work with ‘week_3’

Testing Docs

Week 4

Assignment: Add continuous Deployment for your app.

  1. Choose a deployment option from the list of supported Providers on the Travis Deployment Page

  2. and follow the instructions there to set up an automated deployment after a successful buildt

  3. Describe the steps you did, what worked and what you’ve learned what didn’t work in your report.

  4. Implement one (ore more) additional stories and enjoy the automatic test and deployment. Include the updated backlog with the story clearly marked in your report.

  5. Tag your finished work with ‘week_4’ and make sure the url of your git repo is included in the report.

  6. Include the link to the deployed app in your report.

  7. Upload the report as PDF to Moodle.

    Every Team member has to upload the report - ideally the exact same file

Week 5

3rd Party APIs or Javascript

This week is about enhancing your app a bit - either by using some JavaScript on the site or by using a third party API. (You can, however, do both if you want to, but one topic is sufficient)

Option a: 3rd Party API

Find a third party API that you can use in your application and use it. We will talk about good ways to work with external APIs in class.

Option b: Add a bit of Javascript

Find a place where a little bit of JavaScript is useful in your Application. You find a couple of examples in the Working with JavaScript in Rails Guide.

Writeup and Report

Upload a PDF Report describing what you did (I don’t want to have to figure out what you did from your source code) including a link to the git repository (or, the complete repository.) make sure you have tagged all versions with the corresponding week, e.g.

git tag week_5