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Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

WTAT 2 - Agile Web Development


WTAT2 - Agile Web Development is a class that combines learning web development with Rails, Postgres, Bootstrap and Angular with an Agile Project.

Within the class you will design and develop a web application within a small team. Your team is free to choose the topic as you like.

Throughout the project, you will build features into your project that allow you to learn and practice certain aspects of web development. See the Schedule and the Topics list for details.

Meetings and Due Dates

We meet each week for 2 x 1,5hrs. Although the schedule is split up into lecture and lab (SU+Ü) we will split up the time between lectures, assignments and practice and time for project work into your team more dynamically within these 3 hours.

Note that there is required reading to read before class.


Your grade in WT AT2 will be a weighted mixture of the evaluated graded elements of the course:

  • Reports: you need to turn in a project report approximately every 2 weeks. Those are not graded, but you need to turn in viable reports for each topic approximately every two weeks.
  • Quizzes: after the completion of each topic, there will be a brief moodle quizz about the topic covered. If you choose to participate in those quizzes, they may count as 50% of your grade
  • Exam: There will be a moodle exam at the end of term. It either counts
    • 50% with the points from the quizzes as other 50%
    • 100% if you get a better grade this way either because you didn’t participate in the quizzes or have achieved fewer points than in the exam (yay! automatically. You don’t even have to choose.)

Reports are due Wed 22:00.

Course Literature