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Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

A1 - Rails, ActiveRecord and Associations

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Assignment 1


Write down your project description/vision. Create a backlog.

Find 2-3 central model classes / resources for your project and create them - model, views and controller within a new rails application. Implement at least one model association and make it visible in the view.

Create a project description and backlog

Provide a short summary of what your web-app should do.

Then, write down all the user stories you can think of. Use the form of

As a.... I can... such that....

Remember that user stories should be of value for the user of your app (Thus, “Design the Database Structure” is not a user story as a sole database design is of no use to the user) and as independent as possible.

Don’t worry about having too many stories - you won’t need to implement all of them! If you have enough stories, it will be easier to find suitable ones for implementing the technical assignments.

See the example.

Number your Stories and Prioritize the Backlog.

For clear Identification, give each story a number (e.g. S001). Reorder your backlog with the most important stories at the top. Priorization is for user value - not implementation order. “As a user, I want to login” will not be the most important story for your user - an application where the user can do nothing more than logging in will be pretty boring.

See the example.

Find and define 2 or 3 model classes for your project. Find stories which you can implement with CRUD operations on these resources.

As a simple rails application will be centered around CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete)-Operations on resources, you need to identify central resources for your project, and model them.

Usually it’s easy to identify a central resource for your project. The second resource may already depend on which stories you decide to implement first. Sketch out a database design and the associations between the models.

See the example.

Finally, identify the stories in your backlog that you will implement with CRUD operations on these first resources.

Create Sketches / Paper Prototypes for your Stories

Create simple Paper Prototypes for your Stories. For the this first Assignment, a few simple Screen sketches should be sufficient. They will guide your implementation.

See the example.


Finally, implement the selected stories by creating the resources - Model, Views and Controllers and modifying the views. Don’t get into the fine-tuning of the apperance yet, as we will do that later on with bootstrap. For the same reason, you don’t need to implement/detail out more than three views.

Create some test data using seeds.

See the example.