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Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Assignment 2 - Authentication and Code Style

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The second assignment is to implement an authentication for your application. Furthermore, you learn how to enforce code styling for your project.

Integrate Bootstrap

Integrate Bootstrap into your Application. Use Bootstrap 4 (currently in beta), and comes with sass integration and it’s own ruby gem:

You don’t need to change any styling yet.

Testing with RSpec

Integrate the Rspec Testing Framework and develop at least one happy path feature test for each finished user story you’ve completed so far.

Authentification with Devise

Decide on the model you want to use for authentication (user? member? student?) and integrate Devise as described in the Devise documentation and Chapter 2.

Follow the tutorial there to create a pleasing login with Bootstrap.

Implement one other Story Test Driven

Identify one other story to implement, write at least one end-to-end test first and implement the story.

We will create an example in class.