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Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Assignment 3 - Search Functionality, Postgres and Docker (and some more Bootstrap)

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Implement Search Functionality

The main Assignment for this sprint is to implement a search functionality for your app. Thus, find (or create) userstorys that you will need a search functionality for.

For the search functionality itself, you’ll find a tutorial in Chapter 4 of the Book, which focusses on leveraging Postgres indices. Alternatively, you can decide to learn more about the ActiveRecord Query Language. Choose one, read the linked material. Even if you decide to use ActiveRecord Query Language you should read the first part of Chapter 4 where you find info about building the search itself into rails and generating test data.

Postgres and Dockerization

Even if you don’t use special Postgres features for your search, you need to start using postgres in this sprint, as postgres will be needed for production deployment - sqlite is just a fake db for development. Instead of installing Postgres locally we will run Postgres in a Docker container and Dockerize the whole application while we’re at it. See A3 - Dockerization commits and the Docker Doc in the App.

Search Results

Make sure your search results look decent. Read Chapter 05 on how to use Bootstrap for displaying search results and apply to your application.

Don’t forget the tests

Don’t forget to write tests for your new features and to groom your test suite along the way. Install SimpleCov (see Commit) to check the coverage of your test suite.


As always, upload a PDF report containing your updated Backlog, the names of all collaborators and a link to your repository to moodle.

  • updated Backlog: clearly marked completed storys and the stories you worked on/completed this week.
  • report on how you worked on the stories. This may be brief, but this week it should contain some text on which kind of search you implemented, what went well and where you’ve encountered problems, and what you’ve learned.