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Info2 WS 2018/19

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Info2 WS2018 Schedule


Tentative Schedule - Lab Topics are subject to change!

Lab Assignments not linked here have not been released for this term yet and might be changed.

WeekKWLectureLecture TopicLabLab Topic
139Fri, 2018-10-05IWelcome Back, Overview, Designing Applications1Designing an Application, CRC Cards (Pre-Lab!)
IIToolbox: Java, Eclipse File I/O.
240Fri, 2018-10-12IError Handling and Exceptions reviewed2Implementing CRC cards (Pre-Lab!)
IINetworking in Java.
341Fri, 2018-10-19IConcurrency3Histogram (Pre-Lab!)
IIComplexity of Algorithms, Binary Search
442Fri, 2018-10-26Ie-learning: The Java Collection Frameworke-learning
IIe-learning: The Java Collection Framework
543Fri, 2018-11-02IProperties of Algorithms, Maximum Contiguous Subsequence Sum4Chatterbox (Pre-Lab!)
IIArrays, Lists and Stacks
644Fri, 2018-11-09IQueues, Priority Queues, Collections: Sets, Bags, Maps.5Execution Times (Pre-Lab!)
745Fri, 2018-11-16IRecursion6Reverse Polish Notation (Pre-Lab!)
IISorting, Divide & Conquer, Maximum Contiguous Subsequence revisited
846Fri, 2018-11-23ISorting Quicksort, Radix Sort7Recursive Triangles (Pre-Lab!)
IISorting Continued
947Fri, 2018-11-30IRandom numbers, Probabilistic Algorithms8Eight Queens (Pre-Lab!)
IIGraphs, Graph Algorithms
1048Fri, 2018-12-07ISearching, Nearest Neighbor, Branch and Bound9Probablistic Algorithms (Pre-Lab!)
IITrees, Heapsort, Sorting Algorithms Conclusion
1149Fri, 2018-12-14IHashs10Getting from A to B
IIString Searching and Pattern Matching
1250Fri, 2018-12-21IFinite State Automata11Finite State Automata and Sorting
IIFinite State Automata
131Fri, 2019-01-04ISearching, Scanning and Parsing AlgorithmsRepetition; Questions
IIAVL Trees, Python Start
142Fri, 2019-01-11I2nd Language (Phyton) + Repetition of Algorithms12Scrabble Cheater Basic Edition
II2nd Language (Phyton) + Repetition of Algorithms
153Fri, 2019-01-18IExam Preparation13Scrabble Cheater Deluxe
II2nd Language (Phyton) + Repetition of Algorithms
164Fri, 2019-01-25IRepetition & Exam PreparationTrial Exam
II2nd Language (Phyton) + Repetition of Algorithms
175Fri, 2019-02-01IExam
1857Fri, 2019-02-08IIMI SHOWTIME!!