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WT2 WS 2018/19

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Assignment 03

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Design and Evaluation I: Visioning, Product Concepts and Storyboards


Start with creating (or completing) the three input lists:

  • hot ideas
  • issues
  • technology

Create 4-7 Visions

Start the visions from hot ideas. Assign the roles

  • Pen
  • Poker
  • Team

And alternate them between the visions such that each of you gets to practice each role. If you don’t have a Flipchart available, use a A3-Paper in the middle of the table.


Evaluate your Visions using Structered Evaluation with likes/dislike lists and green/yellow/red lights as described in chapter 11.

Product Concepts

Create at least three Product Concepts. Evaluate and enhance them using the cool drilldown method.


Create at least one storyboard per person in your team, resulting in about four Storyboards per Team. Perform a Storyboard review session within the team, and adapt at least two of the storyboards according to the review to be able to build two paper prototypes based on them.

Include the final versions of the Storyboards in the report together with a summary of the review sessions. If you decided to abandon a storyboard and not develop it further, include the initial version and clearly mark it as such. (it should be clear if the review is a review of the storyboard or the storyboard a second version based on the review).

you create one PDF in the group with all names, and each member of the group needs to upload this (same) report to moodle

please name the reports like your group, e.g. group01-assignment03.pdf