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WT1 Web Applications WS 2019/20

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Web Applications WS2019/2020

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Assignment 2

Based on the Storys defined in Class, prepare Storyboards and where suitable Paper Prototypes for at least the first Story.

Reading Material:


Paper Prototypes

Videos, optional:

The articles in moodle refer to a method called “Contextual Design” by Holtzblatt and Beyer. there’s a good brief intro on the method on

What to hand in

  • Please include the names of all team members on the PDF reports.
  • Technologies you want to use
  • include a legible foto of your
    • User Story Map
    • Storyboards
    • Paper Prototype

bis DIENSTAG abend 22:00 als PDF in Moodle hochladen.