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WT1 Web Applications WS 2019/20

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Web Applications WS2019/2020

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Assignment 3

This weeks work has two main parts:

  • perform a Paper Prototype Usability Test
  • Set up your Project with SCM

Paper Prototype Usability Test

Use the time in class to run a brief usability test based on your paper prototypes. Make sure you’re testing a clearly defined tasks, and assign the roles User, Human Computer, Facilitator/Notetaker and Oberservers as described in Paper Prototyping As A Usability Testing Technique.

Reading Material:

Project Setup/SCM

As we want to compare the different web frameworks make sure you trace all steps with git:

  • commit the original source code (scaffold, just downloaded, before you made any changes) with “initial commit”

  • create a branch for each story

  • in the branch, commit little steps

  • keep dead-ends (things you tried but didn’t work) as branches, push and use them for documentation

  • create an github issue for each Story

  • after the story is completed, merge or rebase all changes with one commit: “Story xyz: bla bla, #closes issue number” into master.

  • I’ll create (private if you prefer) repos under

  • please send me your github login in the subject of an email: “github for webapplications:

What to hand in

  • Please include the names of all team members on the PDF reports and the goal of your project
  • User Story Maps again with clear distinction of what belongs to a MVP
  • a brief documentation of the paper-prototype test with results
  • First Story: Title and maybe a brief description. This is probably only a part of your MVP.
  • Link to your github repo under

bis DIENSTAG abend 22:00 als PDF in Moodle hochladen.