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WT2 WS 2019/20

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Assignment 04


Design and Evaluation II: Paper Prototypes

Paper Prototypes

Create two Paper Prototypes per Team based on two of your Storyboards.

Choose the Stories / Storyboards carefully, and document the reasons for your decision in your report.

You can both work together on both storyboards or have two teams of two working on one Paper Prototype each.

Paper Prototype Evaluation

Now, you have to get together with your expert team again, preferably during the lab sessions:

  • Conduct Paper Prototype Interviews
  • Change your Paper Prototypes at least once each, and re-test the new prototypes.

Your Report

Include Fotos of your Paper Prototypes and clearly mark the different prototypes and changes made. You can also create a video demoing your prototype. Make sure that the interface items are readable either directly on the video or the accompanying fotos.

Also, include the issues discovered in the prototype interviews.

you create one PDF in the group with all names, and each member of the group needs to upload this (same) report to moodle

please name the reports like your group, e.g. group01-assignment03.pdf