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B9 Networks WS 2021/22

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

B9 Networks WS 2021/22 - Resources


Material on this Site

Working with HTW Machinesops, htwbash, hrz
Debian Serverweb, ops
Continuous Integration and Deliveryweb


If you can afford it, consider aquiring your own copy of the text book:

Kurose, James F; Ross, Keith W.: Computer Networking. A Top-Down Approach, 8th ed., Pearson Global Editions, Harlow UK, 2021. ISBN: 978-1-292-40546-9

AvailablePearson, Lehmanns, Amazon.

Access to the ebook is be available through the Library from within the HTW network (use the VPN from outside).

Video Lectures

… are here. You also find slide decks(“Notes”) and interactive problems linked from there.

Textbook Materials

Video Notes and interactive Animations mentioned in the book:

There’s a lot of accompanying material for the book available both on the Publisher’s Book Companion Website as well as the Author’s Website, partly overlapping and/or linking to each other.

You should be fine with the material in the book and/or what you can find linked from the video overview pages.