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B1 Informatics 1 WS 24/25

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Info1 - Workbooks

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Workbook: Chapter Summaries and Exercises

We encourage you to maintain hand-written notes and sketches. For this, we’ve prepared a workbook template (available in moodle) containing additional exercises and room for your notes. You can hand in your weekly notes for additional points .

We will provide Paper Worksheets for each Chapter in Moodle and encourage you to print them out and work on them with real pens.

Bind them to an A5 Workbook

They will be provided in a format that allows you to bind them as a book later if you wish to.

See Frau Schimpf: DIY: Buchbinden – Offene Fadenheftung for an easy german instruction how this might be done, or How to Make a Sketchbook | DIY Coptic Stitch Bookbinding Tutorial | Sea Lemon for an english one which also shows a different way to attach the cover.

You may also decide to just bind the individual parts as simple booklet: DIY: Buchbinden – Einfache Heftbindung


To get the points for the Chapter Summaries and Exercises, your Workbook Pages need to be uploaded as PDF to the moodle area on the day before the next lab on 22:00.

They need to be in focus, rotated correctly with empty pages deleted. This can be achieved with a scanner, exporting a document containing the photographed pages as PDF or with a suitable app. Invest some time in finding out how you can do that easily at the beginning of term.