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STAGING DRAFTS --- Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

ClockDisplay Example: Reflections and Improvements

I have been working with the ClockDisplay example as shown in the Textbook “Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using Bluej.” by David J Barnes and Michael Kölling (Barnes and Kölling 2017) for a while now. While the book contains many great examples that allow the discussion of a broad range of object oriented design, this example has some issues that always bugged me.

This page is about my approach(es) to improve the ClockDisplay example.


Barnes, D.J. and Kölling, M. (2017) Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using Bluej. 6th, global edn. Boston: Pearson Education.
