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STAGING DRAFTS --- Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Grading Scale

This is the official grading scale according to the RPO. There are 110-120 percent possible on all courses I teach.

95 ≤ p1,065 ≤ p < 703,0
90 ≤ p < 951,360 ≤ p < 653,3
85 ≤ p < 901,755 ≤ p < 603,7
80 ≤ p < 852,050 ≤ p < 554,0
75 ≤ p < 802,30 ≤ p < 505,0
70 ≤ p < 752,7